As a congregation, we are called to share the Word of God through worship and fellowship; to nurture our community; minister to all; and to witness by living in the word.

At CLC we have so many reasons and seasons when CELEBRATING is necessary. We celebrate baptisms, weddings, confirmations, first communions, and even those times when a loved one goes on to their Heavenly home. We also stop to celebrate our milestones, such as anniversaries, birthdays, and graduations.

When we know better, we do better. There are so many different opportunities at CLC to learn more about our faith, ourselves, our neighbors, and our world. It is through LEARNING that we can grow ~ stretching our branches out to reach others, while our roots grow deeper.

Through the many outreach ministries we offer here at CLC, it is clear that we have so very many people in our congregation who are truly CARING . Whether it’s making quilts to be shipped to another part of the world, making a meal for those who are hungry in Madison, or building a home for a family in need……. we are there to lend a hand.