Attached is Fixed Hour Prayer for Holy Week. While we are not able to be together in worship during this holiest of weeks, it is my hope that as we pray the same prayers of trust, hope, sorrow, and joy we will know we are connected with each other and with the great cloud of witnesses that unites all voices of all times. Our Holy Week services will be recorded and put on the church’s website and Facebook page. Watch our Maundy Thursday worship on April 9; Good Friday on April 10; and Easter on April 12. It is my hope and prayer that when we can gather safely together again to worship at Christ Lutheran Church, we will celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus in glorious ways. Until then, we will broadcast our worship services each week utilizing only a few people (my deep thanks to Bonnie Vize, Judd Blau, and Linda Capener). God’s Abiding Peace, Pastor Sue Beadle Holy Week Prayers are posted at the end of this note. 1-Holy-Week-FHP-Palm-Sunday-2020 2-Holy-Week-FHP-Monday-April-6-2020 3-Fixed-Hour-Prayer-Tuesday-April-7-2020 4-Fixed-Hour-Prayer-for-Wednesday-April-8 5-Fixed-Hour-Prayer-for-Maundy-Thursday-April-9 6 Fixed Hour Prayer for Good Friday April 10 7 Fixed Hour Prayer for Saturday April 11 8 Fixed Hour Prayer for Easter April 12 |